Tiny Trees Homer’s Forest School LLC


Tiny Trees is focused on nurturing and protecting the young child’s sense of wonder and imagination. Play is the work of childhood and our environment is carefully prepared for the developmental needs of the young child. Through play, each child learns a broad range of social emotional, cognitive and linguistic skills.


Forest School Programs

The program provides care for a mixed age group from infant through five with community school options. There is a daily and weekly rhythm that provides a familiar environment and support for the children as they move wholeheartedly into play and learning experiences. Our childcare home is warm, inviting and intentionally filled with beautiful and natural elements including pieces of wood, seashells, beeswax for modeling and handmade dolls and toys to encourage children to create, imagine and wonder.

Children enrolled at Tiny Trees will experience days rich with crafts, storytelling, song, cooking, practical work and artistic activities. Crafts, handwork, games and regular outdoor play encourage the healthy growth of the child’s body.

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Family Support

My name is Hanna Young I am the founder and owner of Tiny Trees Homer’s Forest School. I have supported several additional providers in opening their own programs to support families with home-based forest schools. My passion is to support families and provide them with tools and information that they can use and see results. I have a Masters in Early Childhood Special Education as well as a LifeWays North America teacher certification and I am A certified group leader for Soul of Discipline through Simplicity Parenting. I have been in the field of Early Childhood for over 10 years.

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Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom

— Rudolph Steiner