Parent Child Class
Stay tuned for future dates..
This is an opportunity for you and your child to gather in a home like environment with other caregivers and children with support from a LifeWays certified teacher.
Group Leaders: Hanna Young and Amanda Neal
Children ages birth to 3 years and their caregivers
Fridays from 9:30-1130 am
Cost: $135 for the entire 5 weeks. (book included)
There will be opportunities for:
-Inside and outside play, you will have an opportunity to see our Tiny Trees environment.
-Circle time, we will learn songs and finger plays together.
-Crafts and group activities.
-Together we will prepare a wholesome snack.
-Early Childhood educational discussion; each week we will discuss a different chapter(s) from our study book. The book is provided. Mitten String By God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry