Community/Co-worker space PLUS Childcare Included:

 Packages can be applied to more than 1 child. Find out you need more time before the end of the month.

Spruce (Light)

  • Monthly, unlimited access to The Village community and co-working space (during open hours)

  • 15 hours/mth of childcare (pre-reserve - limited space)

Birch (Mid)

  • Monthly, unlimited access to The Village community and co-working space (during open hours)

  • 30 hours/mth of childcare (pre-reserve - limited space)

Alder (Frequent/ 3Day Childcare)

  • Monthly, unlimited access to The Village community and co-working space (during open hours)

  • Tuesday-Thursday 9-3/mth of childcare (5 available spots)

Maple (Full Time Childcare)

  • Monthly, unlimited access to The Village community and co-working space (during open hours)

  • Monday-Thursday 9-3/mth of childcare (10 available spots)

 Little Morels - (Childcare Only) 

This a great option if you are in need of flexible childcare, but don’t need the use of our community and co-working space on a regular basis. Make sure to pre-reserve a spot as there is limited daily space for care. Passes expire every 3 months. 

  • 10-hour Punchcard  (pre-reserve - limited space)

  • 40-hour Punchcard  (pre-reserve - limited space)


Spruce (Light) - 15 hours of Childcare/Month $200- Parent must stay on site

Birch (Mid)- 30 Hours of Childcare/Month $420 - Parent must stay on site

Alder (frequent childcare)- Tuesday- Thursday 9 am-3 pm 60 Hours of Childcare/Month $660

Maple (full-time childcare)- Monday through Thursday 9 am-3 pm $860

Little Morels - 10-hour Punchcard $150

Little Morels- 40-hour Punchcard $560