Community/Co-worker space PLUS Childcare Included:
Packages can be applied to more than 1 child. Find out you need more time before the end of the month.
Spruce (Light)
Monthly, unlimited access to The Village community and co-working space (during open hours)
15 hours/mth of childcare (pre-reserve - limited space)
Birch (Mid)
Monthly, unlimited access to The Village community and co-working space (during open hours)
30 hours/mth of childcare (pre-reserve - limited space)
Alder (Frequent/ 3Day Childcare)
Monthly, unlimited access to The Village community and co-working space (during open hours)
Tuesday-Thursday 9-3/mth of childcare (5 available spots)
Maple (Full Time Childcare)
Monthly, unlimited access to The Village community and co-working space (during open hours)
Monday-Thursday 9-3/mth of childcare (10 available spots)