Consulting Sessions

Consulting Sessions

from $75.00

Consulting- 3 one hour sessions or 1 one hour session
What I can offer you (with one hour we will only be able to cover 1-2 of the items below):

  • In home consultation of your space. (What is working, what is not)

  • Re-develop your rhythm (schedule) of your month, week and day (help you feel more in control, at peace and create more time for you and your family to enjoy each other)

  • Support you through the process of decluttering your toys and creating an inviting play spaces as well as discuss the types of toys that encourage imaginative play

  • Support you in your outdoor play space development

  • Childcare programs I can help you run a successful all outdoor program!

  • Making the process FUN!

What you will end up with:

  • A peaceful home environment

  • Children who enjoy playing and who play with few toys for extended periods of time

  • A rhythm that feels less hectic and overwhelming (you will have documents and materials that can be printed, posted or written on)

  • Ideas and plans for creating play structures

  • Skills to approach discipline with confidence and calmness.

3 hours:
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